Steven North, known as the Systems Expert, Engineer, Inspiration Consultant, Activator, the Code, Alchemist, and Crystal Harmoniser, is revered as the embodiment of wisdom by the Ascended Masters. Additionally, he is recognized as a multifaceted individual: a gifted musician, therapist, founder of Heart Activation Music, proprietor of BizWeb Consulting, and the primary conduit for Amy North, the Ascended Masters, and more.

Through his profound connection with Amy North, a Spirit Guide and Twin Flame, Steven and Amy collaborate to empower individuals, guiding them to forge a deeper bond with their spiritual guides and embark upon an elevated path, thus transcending karmic cycles and the shackles of past traumas.

The revolutionary Heart Activation Music stands as an unparalleled complementary therapy, unifying the consciousness of crystals, spirit guides, Ascended Masters, light frequencies, binaural frequencies, and natural scalar energies into a singular experience. Encompassing the essence of unconditional love, this transformative musical offering enables individuals to journey towards the radiant beacon of consciousness. As one embraces the boundless love emanating from their heart and dissolves the barriers within, life itself undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis.

Connect with Steven North
Steven North

Steven North

Channel, Inventor of Heart Activation Music Therapy (Light in Sound), Systems Expert, Healer, Authority on Crystals, Spirit Guides, Consciousness & much more!